News & Events

News & Events

无论是在我们的分支机构欢迎新员工, announcing new banking offerings and solutions, or sharing ways to get more from your local community bank, 请信赖建行,它会让您了解我们各分行的最新动态.


October 11, 2024

建行很荣幸成为北肖托夸社区基金会(NCCF)年度SOCKTOBER活动的合作伙伴. SOCKTOBER是一个为期一个月的倡议,为有需要的个人和家庭收集温暖的袜子,帮助那些在充满挑战的冬季最需要温暖和舒适的人. If you would like to participate, you can […]

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CCB Appoints Mark Peters as New Chief Financial Officer

September 16, 2024

CCB, 当地拥有和经营的独立社区银行,总部设在小山谷, NY, 宣布任命马克·彼得斯为新的首席财务官。, effective September 16, 2024. 他在会计、财务、审计和企业风险管理方面拥有超过23年的经验. Peters is poised to lead CCB’s financial operations […]

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Message to CCB Customers- September 2024

September 11, 2024

您最近可能注意到当地建行分行发生了一些令人兴奋的变化. As part of our ongoing rebrand, 建行正在更新建筑物的外观,以更好地反映我们的现代身份,同时保持我们以社区为中心的服务传统, embodied in our motto, “Where Community Counts.” Despite our new look, CCB remains the same […]

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CCB Appoints Neil Hoffman to Board of Directors

August 16, 2024

退休执行副总裁兼首席信贷官重返建行担任新领导职务建行很高兴地宣布任命Neil Hoffman为其董事会成员. Hoffman, 他今年早些时候从建行执行副总裁兼首席信贷官的职位上退休, 为他的[…]带来丰富的经验和深厚的机构知识。

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June 7, 2024

CCB, 当地拥有和经营的独立社区银行,总部设在小山谷, New York, 邀请各界人士参加建行月历摄影比赛,展示他们的艺术才华,弘扬社区精神. This year’s theme, is “Where Community Counts.” The 2025 CCB Calendar Photo Contest provides […]

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CCB Announces New Chief Lending Officer

April 1, 2024

CCB, 当地拥有和经营的独立社区银行,总部设在小山谷, NY, 很高兴宣布史蒂文·斯旺森晋升为高级副总裁, Chief Lending Officer, effective April 1, 2024.  In his new role, 斯旺森将负责建行贷款业务的战略方向和管理, driving growth and […]

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CCB to Host Two First Time Home Buyer Seminars

March 28, 2024

你是否准备好购买你的第一套房子,却不知道从哪里开始? CCB is here to help. 参加我们即将举行的首次购房者研讨会,了解购房过程, how to get qualified, financing options, home ownership preparation, and much more. Our first seminar is Thursday, April […]

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CCB Announces Eclipse Closure

March 22, 2024

(Little Valley, NY)  – In anticipation of the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, 2024, CCB has announced that all CCB branches will close at 1 p.m. 在那一天,让他们的工作人员有机会与家人一起见证历史性的日食事件. Mike Wimer, President and CEO of CCB, […]

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CCB Demonstrates Commitment to Community with $50,给当地非营利组织的意外捐款

March 4, 2024

CCB, 一个独立的地方拥有和经营的金融机构, has announced its recent donation of $50,000 to multiple not-for-profit organizations across Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, and Erie counties. The recipients, 其中包括各种慈善机构不知疲倦地提升当地社区, were unaware of the impending donations. Mike Wimer, President and CEO of CCB, expressed his […]

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CCB Announces Salamanca Branch Manager

February 5, 2024

CCB, 当地拥有和经营的社区银行,总部设在小山谷, NY, 最近宣布提升Jennifer Castellano为萨拉曼卡分公司经理, NY location. Donna Prince, CCB Vice President of Retail Banking, said that Castellano, who has been a part of CCB since 2019, is poised to lead the Salamanca location […]

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CCB Announces New Branch Manager in Little Valley

February 1, 2024

CCB, 当地拥有和经营的社区银行,总部设在小山谷, NY, 最近宣布提拔杰米·考恩为他们小山谷的分公司经理, NY location.   Donna Prince, CCB Vice President of Retail Banking, 他表示,考恩对建行及其客户来说是一个有价值的补充. “I am delighted to welcome […]

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CCB Announces Addition to Mortgage Team

January 30, 2024

CCB, 当地拥有和经营的社区银行,总部设在小山谷, NY, 最近宣布Paula Kay (Krzyzanowski)加入抵押贷款团队,担任高级抵押贷款发起人. Lillian Edwards, CCB Vice President of Retail Lending, 他表示,对建行及其客户来说,凯是一个有价值的补充. “We are thrilled to welcome […]

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